Live Webinar: Multidisciplinary Practices for First Aid Management of Wounds in the Digital Era

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"Multidisciplinary Practices for First Aid Management of Wounds in the Digital Era"

Acara didukung oleh Hansaplast


Talkshow #1 (Scientific): Collaborative Approach in Wound Assessment and Remote Wound Monitoring

dr. Afriyanti Sandhi, Sp.BP-RE, FLB, MARS

Dr. apt. Lusy Noviani, S.Si, MM

Widasari Sri Gitarja, S.Kp, MM, MARS, WOC(ET)N

Talkshow #2 (Digital Education): Challenges and Opportunities of Digital Education and Empowerment on Wound Care 

dr. Pukovisa Prawiroharjo, Sp.N, Subsp.NGD(K), PhD

dr. Alvin Saputra, MM

dr. Kevin Mak

Pada hari & tanggal: Selasa, 12 September 2023

Pukul: 09.00-13.00 WIB

Dapatkan SKP IDI Terakreditasi  dengan mengerjakan post test di aplikasi ALOMEDIKAa

