Risiko pemberian susu formula atau formula feeding - Diskusi Dokter


For Infants and Children :Increased risk of AsthmaIncreased risk of AllergyReduced cognitive of developmentIncreased risk of Acute Respiratory...

Diskusi Dokter

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  • Risiko pemberian susu formula atau formula feeding

    Dibalas 24 September 2024, 10:34
    dr.Irwan Kreshnamurti SpOG
    dr.Irwan Kreshnamurti SpOG
    Dokter Spesialis Kandungan

    For Infants and Children :

    • Increased risk of Asthma
    • Increased risk of Allergy
    • Reduced cognitive of development
    • Increased risk of Acute Respiratory Disease
    • Increased Dental Malformation
    • Increased risk for Infection from Contaminated Formula
    • Increased risk of Nutrient Deficiencies
    • Increased risk of Childhood Cancers
    • Increased risk of Chronic Diseases
    • Increased risk of Diabetes
    • Increased risk of Cardiovascular Disease
    • Increased risk of Obesity
    • Increased risk of Gastrointestinal Infections
    • Increased risk of Mortality
    • Increased risk of Otitis Media and Ear Infection
    • Increased risk of Side Effects of Environmental Contaminants

    For Mothers :

    • Increased risk of Breast Cancer
    • Increased risk of Overweight
    • Increased risk of Ovarian Cancer and Endometrial Cancer
    • Increased risk of Osteoporosis
    • Reduced Natural Child Spacing
    • Increased Stress and Anxiety
    • Increased risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis
    • Increased risk of Maternal Diabetes