Perlu Tidaknya Puasa Sebelum Kateterisasi Jantung – Telaah Jurnal Alomedika

Oleh :
dr. Andrian Yadikusumo, Sp.An

Fasting vs No Fasting Prior to Catheterisation Laboratory Procedures: The SCOFF Trial

Ferreira D, Hardy J, Meere W, Butel-Simoes L, Sritharan S, Ray M, French M, McGee M, O'Connor S, Whitehead N, Turner S, Healey P, Davies A, Morris G, Jackson N, Barlow M, Ford T, Leask S, Oldmeadow C, Attia J, Sverdlov A, Collins N, Boyle A, Wilsmore B. Fasting vs No Fasting Prior to Catheterisation Laboratory Procedures: The SCOFF Trial. European Heart Journal. 2024 Sep 1:ehae573. PMID: 39217604.

